Consultant for Biodigester Market Development

  • Contract
  • Contract type: Consultancy

Company Description

SNV is a mission-driven global development partner, rooted in the contexts and societies where we work. Inspired by the transformational principles and objectives set out by the SDGs, we are committed to building resilient agri-food systems that deliver food security and adequate nutrition; to increasing the reliability and availability of water and sanitation at an acceptable quantity and quality; and to improving access to affordable and sustainable energy for all. In doing so, we aim to strengthen institutions, markets and effective governance within and across the agri-food, energy, and water sectors, reducing gender inequalities and barriers to social inclusion, and enabling adaptation and mitigation to the climate and biodiversity crises.

We are one team of over 1,600 people, the vast majority of whom come from the contexts where we work, in more than 20 countries in Africa and Asia. Together, we are committed to effective and efficient stewardship of resources and maximising positive, lasting impacts.

Our ability to deliver results rests on our robust foundation of experience, knowledge, evidence and learning; our commitment to strengthening capacities and catalysing partnerships; and the relationships and trust of those we work alongside.

Our core values of people-centeredness and respect, equity and equality, and diversity and inclusion, are fundamental to who we are, and what we do. This is reflected in our vision and mission, and strategy, which sets out our aspirations and commitments as our compass towards 2030.

For more information on our operations in Uganda and SNV visit our website:

Within the Energy sector, SNV is a facilitator of commercially viable markets for decentralised energy products and services for households and SMEs. SNV provides technical assistance to private, public, and non-governmental organizations for improved access to energy for underserved populations within rural, peri-urban, and urban areas. Therefore, facilitating access to clean energy services to end energy poverty is one of our core objectives and activities. By ensuring energy access and facilitating progress in market development, gender equality, security, health, education and climate change mitigation, our energy projects have directly improved the lives of millions of people around the world.

1.1. ABC Project Description.

The African Biodigester Component (ABC) aims to support the growth and sustainability of a commercial biodigester sector in sub-Saharan Africa. The ABC intervention in Uganda (2022 to 2025) aims at facilitating a shift of the biodigester market from its pioneering to the expansion phase with focus on the installation of at least 8,000 small-scale biodigesters (household level) in Uganda, providing access to energy to at least 44,000 people within the framework of the Dutch objectives linked to SDG7.

ABC is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs through EnDev/RVO. Activities in Uganda are coordinated by SNV and implemented in collaboration with GIZ- Endev, a consortium partner and Biogas Solutions Uganda Limited as the national Implementer. ABC applies a market-based approach, developing and strengthening demand, supply, and the enabling environment. This will be achieved by means of a well-balanced mix of interventions and, financing aimed at boosting demand and supporting small-scale and medium scale biodigester companies in acquiring more clients.

Expected ABC Project impact.

  1. Increased utilization of bio-digesters results in reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and increase socio-economic developments-through improved access to energy, improved health, fuel, savings, time savings, improved soil quality, increased yields, savings on chemical fertilizer and pesticides, improved waste management and increased employment.
  2. Increased level of market development resulting in markets that continue to operate and scale beyond the intervention and autonomously increase to bio-digester technology.

1.1 ABC Project goal/outcomes

  • Demand side strengthened: Increasing numbers of smallholder farmers purchasing and using biodigesters.
  • Supply side strengthened: Increased and sustained supply of biodigesters of various technologies and good quality.
  • Enabling environment strengthened: domestic biogas sector is supported by enabling policies, regulations, standards, tax regimes and access to finance.

Job Description

1.2. Purpose of the assignment

In the above context, ABC Uganda seeks to hire an individual consultant or a firm with the required expertise and experience to conduct a quick scan across a boarder in South Sudan for assessment of feasibility of potential biodigester market development in the country.

1.3. Specific objectives and scope of the feasibility study

The feasibility study will be undertaken with the following specific objectives:

  1. Assessment of cooking energy situation in rural and urban areas of South Sudan, with existing solutions and their usage or market growth trends as well as usage of organic and chemical fertilisers in the country, through secondary data collection and analysis.
  2. Assessment of the technical feasibility for cattle dung-based household biodigester technology promotion in South Sudan, particularly though collection and analysis of relevant secondary data on smallholder farmers with more than 4 adult cattle head, water availability and climatic conditions, etc. to establish an estimated number of technically feasible number of households for biodigester construction/installation.
  3. Assessment of the existing biodigester promotion status, including number of household and other biodigesters constructed or installed and their operational status, through collection of secondary data or conducting interviews with relevant actors at the national level.
  4. Mapping of existing and potential key actors in development of biodigester market in the country, including the private sector biodigester companies or individuals, national and sub-national government agencies, civil society organisations as well as other support organisations around credit financing, capacity development etc.
  5. Mapping of existing and potential national or sub-national policies, institutions, programmes or strategies as well as presence and interest of interested donors or the project activities in the country, which could support biodigester promotion linking with energy, agri-food, or climate angles.
  6. Analysis and presentation on overall opportunities and challenges in promotion of biodigester technology and the market development in the whole country or certain areas of it.
  7. Final analysis and conclusions in terms of the feasibility and appropriate recommendations, as the way forward, if feasible.

2.0. Scope of Work

2.1. Key people to collaborate with during the feasibility study (target audience).

The feasibility study will target to consult government officers from related agencies of South Sudan, like energy agencies, agriculture agencies, other government and non-government organisations promoting biodigester technology, private sector companies or individuals promoting the technology, financial institutions (including SACCOs, if possible), relevant donors or their projects and community leaders, among others.

2.2. Feasibility study questions

The consultant is encouraged to structure the feasibility study questions, according to the specific objectives defined above in this ToR. The feasibility study framework will be agreed upon with SNV-ABC team before it is deployed. It is very important that the consultant demonstrate how he or she understood the study objectives and other principles and guidance on how to conduct such a feasibility study in ways that will be useful and of high quality.   

2.3. Feasibility study methodology

This assignment will use a mixed-methods approach to undertake the feasibility study. Therefore, consultant is encouraged to present in a short inception report a feasibility study framework, plan, and as well define the methodology and study methods to be used. These should be always rigorous yet proportionate and appropriate to the context of this study. Participatory methodologies are preferred.

The consultant will travel to South Sudan, particularly the capital city to collect data and conduct interviews with relevant actors at the national level. The consultant will also make a quick visit to a typical rural village, to get a better sense of the information and insights available at the national level in the capital city.

A local expert, preferably already engaged and experienced in promotion of biodigester or another decentralised energy solutions in the country, is to be hired by the consultant, in South Sudan.

2.4. Limitations

Due to the complex situation in South Sudan, physical movements and interactions could be limited, some interviews may have to be conducted, virtually too.

The budget limitation means limited days of visit to South Sudan for data collection and limited days in data analysis and report writing.

2.5. Indicative materials to review.

Relevant documents could include review of the biodigester technology promotion related documents, relevant documents for collection of the data and information in South Sudan, mentioned in the objectives above.

Additionally, the consultant will use existing biodigester market development feasibility study reports from other countries, as references. SNV ABC Uganda team will avail such documents.

3.0. Contractual and reporting arrangements

3.1. Profile of the consultant

The feasibility study will be conducted by an independent consultant, who will work in close collaboration with SNV-ABC Uganda team.

Based in South Sudan, the consultant(s) should be a suitably qualified and experienced individual or individuals. The consultant(s) profile should have the following attributes among others.

  1. The consultant must have at least a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field of studies like engineering, economics, finance, or management.
  2. The consultant shall have a minimum of ten years’ experience in Programme/project research in an international development context, and renewable energy sector in Africa, preferably in East Africa. At least two years of experience must be in the biodigester or another rural decentralised energy sector.
  3. The consultant must have a strong background conducting feasibility studies, demonstrated capabilities and experience working or conducting donor-funded development feasibility studies.
  4. Demonstrated ability to design and plan high-quality feasibility study approaches and methodologies, including quantitative and qualitative research methods.
  5. Demonstrated ability to design, manage and implement feasibility study in potentially challenging environments, conflict-hit communities.
  6. Design and manage data and information systems capable of handling large datasets for monitoring and research purposes.
  7. Proven ability to meet deadlines and respond to requests and feedback provided timely and appropriately. Ability to provide practical conclusions and strategic recommendations to key stakeholders is very important.
  8. Be willing to sign a contract after a satisfactory inception report has been provided and not before and demonstrate that they can work within the tight timelines of the assignment.

Note: While the consultant shall be nominated, he or she must not have conflict of interest with ongoing project activities of the organisation, in general terms and specifically with SNV Uganda staff.

3.2. Management arrangements

The feasibility study will be commissioned and managed by SNV-ABC respective project manager, who will oversee the implementation and quality of the feasibility study. The consultant(s) shall be expected to name their research team; however, the research team shall be supported and work closely with SNV Uganda respective teams as well as ABC-Uganda project staff. The external consultant(s) will report to the Project Manager-ABC Uganda. SNV-ABC Uganda will have the following responsibilities to assure the quality of the data produced.

Debrief the final consultant(s) during inception to ensure roles, responsibilities and scope of the consultancy is clear and will be guided by the point of contact(s) within the organisation for the duration of the feasibility study process. The organisation shall also provide technical support to facilitate required meetings and interviews where possible, otherwise it is expected that the consultant(s) will take initiatives to map and find respective respondents. The feasibility study commissioning entity shall ensure that relevant stakeholders are kept informed and engaged, and regularly monitor and assess the quality of the feasibility study and its process. The final report and all deliverables related to the feasibility study shall be submitted to Project Manager as per the agreed milestone schedule.


Responsibilities of SNV-ABC Uganda

  • Contract the consultant.
  • Debrief on the ABC Uganda project and cross-border activities.
  • Provide project specific and other relevant resource documents.
  • Facilitate access to study areas.
  • Coordinate workshop for dissemination of study findings (if relevant).
  • Review draft feasibility report and approve final report.
  • Pay the consultant based on the agreed terms and conditions specified in the expression of interest.

Responsibilities of the Consultant

  • Design the feasibility study.
  • Develop and present inception report.
  • Draw feasibility study budget.
  • Collect and analyse data.
  • Produce draft report.
  • Facilitate research findings workshop (if relevant).
  • Produce final feasibility study report.

3.3. Deliverables and timeframe

The final feasibility study consultant(s) will submit the final report to SNV-ABC Uganda after validating findings with the stakeholders accordingly. SNV-ABC Uganda will further discuss the report internally with relevant teams, and in turn, submit it to the respective final recipient within the stipulated timeframe of the study. The main body of the report (draft and final version) must be limited to 20 pages (exclude annexes). One of the annexes should consist of a table which summarizes the findings according to the feasibility study framework. The feasibility study is expected to be complete with 90 working days. The consultant(s) are required to propose and demonstrate a detailed and feasible feasibility study schedule within which to accomplish the research, the workplan will be reviewed to assess its suitability during the proposals analysis.

3.4. Key deliverables

All written reports shall be submitted in English using Microsoft Word in both soft and hard copy (if necessary). All primary data collected, and analysis conducted for the purpose of this study will remain the property of SNV and must be submitted electronically and in a clear and comprehensible format in Microsoft Excel/SPSS/EpiData and MS-Word/Nvivo (for qualitative data).

  1. A precise inception report not exceeding 20 pages excluding annexes.
  2. Draft feasibility study report.
  3. All data collection tools applied.
  4. All collected and cleaned raw data sets including pictures, videos, or recordings.
  5. Final feasibility report.


Requisite administrative (documents) Requirements

  • Recent tax clearance/Tax compliance certificate issued not earlier than June 2023.
  • Certificate of registration including Tin number and certificate of incorporation.
  • Valid trading license/ operating permit
  • Articles and memorandum of association clearly showing directors.
  • Company profile including physical address of the offices.

Additional Information

Additional requirements:

4.0. Reporting format

To ensure consistency across research, reports, the following structure should be used for reporting.

Executive Summary


  • Purpose of the feasibility study.
  • Organisation context.
  • Logic and assumptions of the feasibility study.
  • Overview of SNV-ABC-funded activities.

Feasibility study Methodology

  • Feasibility study plan.
  • Strengths and weaknesses of selected design and feasibility study methods.
  • Summary of problems and issues encountered.


  • Overall feasibility study findings.
  • Assessment of accuracy of reported results about biodigester technology/sector in South Sudan.
  • Feasibility study findings clearly indicated under specified headings/objectives.
  • Lessons learnt (ABC Uganda project management, biodigester entrepreneurs-operations, technology design, and sustainability etc.)


  • Summary of findings against feasibility study question.
  • Summary of learnings gathered or captured.


Annexes (such as)

  • Feasibility study terms of reference.
  • Feasibility study schedule.
  • Feasibility study framework.
  • Data collection tools.
  • List of people consulted and or interviewed.
  • List of supporting documentary information e.g., pictures, recordings, videos etc.
  • Details of the study team.
  • Organisational response to reported findings and recommendations.

5.0 Scoring criteria

The evaluation of proposals received will be on a point-based system and will be done progressively as follows.

  • Administrative evaluation: This will be based on pass/ fail basis. Only those that pass administrative criteria will. Progress to technical evaluation.
  • Technical evaluation: This will be scored out of 80. Only those that score an average above 40 will progress to financial evaluation.
  • Financial evaluation: This will be scored out of 20.

6.0. How to apply

Interested and qualified consultants who meet the above requirements are asked to submit the following.

  1. A narrative/technical proposal which should include consultant(s) very clear, detailed understanding and interpretation of the TORs, a thorough methodology and a detailed schedule.
  2. A financial proposal indicating fees for the consultancy and applicable taxes.
  3. Updated CVs/Profiles of not more than 4 pages that clearly show the qualification and experience of the lead consultant and his/her team.
  4. Contacts of three organisations recently worked with-clearly similar work.
  5. Technical proposal content should not exceed 20 pages (Times New Roman font 11 should be used) and financial proposal should not exceed 2 pages.
  6. Annexes and cover pages/information not requested or asked for should not be attached to the proposals.
  7. Please strictly adhere to the ToRs requirements and application procedure. Your proposal will not be considered if the ToRs requirements and application procedure have not been adhered to and should be submitted once in Microsoft word or portable document file only.
  8. Any late submissions shall not be considered.

Deadline for submissions 

Applications should be sent no later than 22nd September 2023 at 5 pm East African time

The technical and financial proposal should be sent separately through email; [email protected] Please include consultancy- Cross Border South Sudan ABC -UG in the subject line.

Call disclaimer. 

SNV reserves the right to either accept or reject any or all applications submitted. SNV can stop this procurement at any time without need to give explanation or can extend the deadline for submission once it sees it fit. In case you do not hear from SNV within 3 weeks of closure of application process, consider yourself unsuccessful. SNV also reserves the right to reject and cancel this call-in case any illegal, corrupt, coercive, or collusive practices are noticed. Late applications will be rejected. Please note that viewing, downloading or otherwise using the TOR constitutes acceptance on your part of all the above noted statements and conditions.

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