Collection Coordinator Assistant-MMFG

  • Full-time

Company Description

Max Mara Fashion Group è riconosciuta in tutto il mondo come il precursore del pret-à-porter moderno.
Prima azienda di confezione Italia, nata nel 1951, con l’intento di proporre abbigliamento femminile “haute de gamme” prodotto secondo processi industriali d’eccellenza.
Passione , impegno e tradizione hanno creato uno stile di moda unico:
● 9 brands
● 60+ collezioni per stagione
● 14.000.000+ capi venduti all'anno
● 105 Paesi nel mondo
● 2.500+ negozi monomarca
● 10.000+ negozi multimarca
● 27 lingue parlate
● 5.500+ collaboratori nel Mondo
Il nostro assetto organizzativo si basa su 44 Dipartimenti tra cui Fashion Design, Marketing & Sales, Operations, Retail, ICT, Architecture Design, Economics, BI, etc.
Lavorare nel nostro Gruppo significa passione, superare nuove sfide, imparare gli uni dagli altri, condividere una visione, lavorare in Team… scopri il tuo potenziale con noi e tutto questo può diventare realtà!
#YouAreWelcome #JoinUS

Job Description

The Collection Coordinator Assistant is responsible for supporting the coordinator during the design of the collection. The main objectives are: 1) to support the coordinator in guaranteeing the completeness and respect of the brand identity in stylistic terms 2) to operationally organise the design support materials (colour research, images, tableaux preparation, fabric cataloguing, accessories) 3) to respect the collection planning


- Collaborates with the co-ordinator and PM in guaranteeing compliance with the Brand's identity and Mission. 
- Contributes together with the coordinator and PM in overseeing the collection in terms of product completeness, raw materials, colours, wearability. 
- Supports the coordinator during the creative design of the collection with internal/external designers, interacting with them in the choice of materials, models to be developed in the collection. 
- Actively participates during the prototype and sample definition phase, supporting the coordinator. 
- Independently manages one or more collection projects or specific research projects within the timeframe and in the manner indicated by the coordinator/PM, liaising with them as the project progresses. 
- Supports the coordinator in design-related activities (explaining prototypes, researching materials, graphic support), coordinating with the other assistants involved and respecting the schedule received. 
- Collaborates with the rest of the team on more operational design activities according to the needs of the office. 
- Supports the coordinator in ensuring constant integration with the offices closely linked to the design activities (Technical Department-Modellers-Visual Office-Communication etc.) 
- Keeps abreast of and succeeds in making an effective contribution in terms of product research proposed by the brand's competitors and on the basis of new consumer needs 
- Promotes the development of Role learning through proactive, team and digital activities, aimed at innovation and improving the effectiveness/efficiency of its Responsibilities 
- Promotes, adopts and develops the use of digital technologies within its own function in relation to both process management and relations with internal and external stakeholders involved in the business 
- Adopts significant behaviours and promotes actions - both operational and cultural - related to Sustainable Development, understood as the interconnection of Care-oriented practices

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