Product Documentation Technician

  • Temps complet
  • Contract Type: Permanent
  • Region: Morocco

Description de l'entreprise

ALTEN DELIVERY CENTER MAROC, Filiale du leader mondial de l'ingénierie et du conseil en technologie créé en 2008 et présent à Fès, Rabat, Tétouan et Casablanca, compte aujourd'hui plus de 2200 consultants et vise un centre d’excellence de 3500 consultants ALTENiens en 2024.

Avec plus de 90 recrutements par mois, ALTEN Maroc est désormais un acteur majeur de l’insertion professionnelle des jeunes ingénieurs.

Nous accompagnons nos clients, leaders de l’Industrie dans leurs stratégies de développement dans les domaines de l'automobile, du ferroviaire,  de l'IT, de la R&D et des Télécoms & Médias.

Rejoindre ALTEN MAROC c'est  bénéficier : 

Des parcours professionnels diversifiés avec des opportunités de carrière, une mobilité interne, sectorielle, géographique et métiers.
Des formations certifiantes et diplômantes.
Des événements réguliers pour combiner bien être et performance.

Description du poste

The role is open in the department: Technical Documentation Service - mechanics and project technical dock piloting, and the teams in this department are divided into bodywork, equipment, wiring and electronics.

There are two broad lines of responsibility for this role:

1. The main responsibility is that of documentary animation in which he interacts with many engineering trades and is directly responsible for providing visibility on all milestones according to the group's requirements.

PDT takes care of the guidance area of the heads of technical documentation and manages to keep in touch, transversally, with many internal departments.

It works with the identification area of the documentary milestones and hires/distributes the actions for each individual milestone.

Participate in various meetings where they provide updates or resolve blocking situations. After these discussions/meetings, it is necessary to prepare a documentary summary. (Role in reporting quality anomalies).

Initiates the documentation in SIGNE and monitors the fulfillment of certain milestone progress indicators.

2. The management part of specific criteria tables (TCS) - a Renault specific tool that manages the area of technical documentation and reference codes. PDT deals with the translation of product definitions and technical definitions in technical criteria.

Also, PDT provides support to documentation actors in understanding documentation anomalies.


- Bac+ 2/3 Mechanical Engineering ;

- MS Office: Excel, Word ;

- TCS ;

- English is a must ;

- Fren- Working in a team and transversally ;

- Good communication, initiative, responsibility...


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