Provision of Medical Insurance Services country wide

  • Contract
  • Contract type: Consultancy

Company Description

Stichting SNV Netherlands Development Organisation (a foundation established under Dutch law), registered at Parkstraat 83, 2514 JG The Hague, The Netherlands, [represented by SNV in Uganda] hereinafter referred to as “SNV” is a not-for-profit international development organization that applies practical know-how to make a lasting difference in the lives of people living in poverty. We use our extensive and long-term in-country presence to apply and adapt our top-notch expertise in agriculture, energy, and WASH to local contexts. SNV has an annual turnover of €130 million, over 1,250 staff in more than 25 countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. We are proud to be a not-for-profit organization that uses project financing to implement our mission. This requires us to work efficiently and to invest in operational excellence.

In its new Strategic Plan period (2021 – 2030), SNV will more explicitly aim for systems change during project preparation and implementation - by strengthening institutions and kick-starting markets that help many more to escape poverty beyond our projects. We will continue to position ourselves as a premium organization, with decentralized management. For more information on our operations in Uganda and SNV generally visit our website:

SNV invites medical Insurance Service providers to submit both technical and financial proposals for provision of Staff Medical Insurance services for the period May 2024 - May 2026. Bid documents have been uploaded on smart recruiters’ website.

Job Description


To procure Service Providers that can offer quality medical services to SNV Netherlands Development Organisation staff and their dependants.


The main purpose of health insurance cover is:

  • To administer competitive and comprehensive benefits that provide health protection for employees and their families in a cost-effective manner.
  • Respond to staff emergency health needs.

Scope of services:

The provision of medical services will include but not limited to the following tasks.

  1. Provide and maintain consistent inpatient, outpatient, dental, maternity and optical medical service centres in all Districts and major towns in Uganda, taking into consideration that staff may have families living in their home districts.
  2. Provide Medical services to over 200 people (with changes from time to time) staff together with their eligible dependants on a premium rate with clear indications of their benefits. The medical insurance scheme will run for 24 months (Two years). The successful service provider will provide medical coverage insurance scheme for both inpatient and outpatient. This should cover but not be limited to the following:
  • Consultation with both General Practitioners and specialist Doctors
  • Prescribed laboratory tests/investigations, X – rays and ultrasound scans
  • Computed Tomography (CT) scan and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • Diagnosis and treatment of common ailments
  • ENT Services
  • Physiotherapy
  • Treatment of STDs
  • Routine medical check ups
  • At least one comprehensive medical examination for each eligible beneficiary
  • Cardiac echo, EEG, ECGs
  • Treatment, dressing or diagnostic testing.
  • UNEPI Vaccination 
  • Health Education
  • Intensive Care Unit
  • Emergency Treatments
  • All prescribed drugs
  • All relevant laboratory costs.
  • Standard drugs that are authorized by the National Drug Authority
  • Referral to specialist doctors within and outside that particular scheme
  • Family Planning advice
  • Prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT)
  • Pre, post and antenatal care
  • Private room
  • Surgical operations and procedures
  • Professional fees
  • Theatre fees
  • Anaesthetics for surgery
  • Assistant at operation
  • Labour and recovery wards
  • Deliveries (Normal and caesarean)
  • Intensive care and high care unit
  • Visits and consultations by GP and or Specialists
  • X-ray and pathology
  • Physiotherapy
  • Ultrasound scans
  • MRI and CT scan
  • Blood transfusion
  • Internal prostheses
  • General Surgery
  • Maternity including antenatal consultations and delivery at the service provider’s premises or at any approved hospital.
  • Paediatrics
  • Internal Medicine
  • Covid-19 Test, care treatment and management.
  • Road Ambulance in case of an emergency

c) Specialist Consultation and treatment

  • ENT, Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Dermatology, Urology, Oncology, Paediatric, Orthopaedic, Cardiology, internal medicine, surgery etc.
  1. Dental treatment plan shall include.
    • Routine dentistry,
    • Extraction,
    • Filling,
    • Scaling,
    • Polishing,
    • Root canal repair
    • Dentures
    • General dental related treatments
  2. Optical treatment shall include.
  • Optical plan covers.
  • Routine ophthalmology/optical consultation, First prescription of lenses and replacements.
  • Treatment of eye infections
  • Removal of deep-seated foreign bodies in the eyes
  • Excision of conjunctival growth
  • Examination under anaesthesia
  • Provision of lenses and frames
  1. HIV/AIDS treatment services shall include.
  • Counselling especially HIV related counselling
  • Treatment of HIV opportunistic infections
  • Lab tests as clinically recommended by the medical practitioner.
  • CD4 count
  • First line & second line ARV drugs
  • Physiotherapy
  1. Wellness Services
  • Routine wellness screening: pap smears and other cancer screening, blood pressure, blood sugar, voluntary HIV tests, cholesterol checks and BMI.
  • Dental check
  • Prostate tests (PSA)


The service provider shall be required to.

  • Generate and submit quarterly reports to SNV Netherlands Development Organisation. The reports should include cases of perpetual illness, overspent accounts, detected fraud and any other information that may be useful to the employer.

Advise SNV management on issues that enhance, improve, and sustain health of its employees.


Provision of Medical Insurance Services Country Wide


You are requested to attach your current IRA operating license, most recent audited financial statements, and evidence of current and experience and company profiles.

Attached herewith is a list of our expected policy covers. You are kindly requested to disclose all exclusions clearly in the proposals to avoid misunderstandings in the course of administration of the policies.

Your offer should clearly indicate:

  • A comprehensive Annual Premium per individual member
  • Clearly provide limits for coverage if any and state the maximum benefits to members for all services in the scheme for inpatient and outpatient cover per person per year.
  • Stamp Duty
  • Provide pharmacies where members can access drugs and medication not found in the specified clinics and hospitals, considering the geographical spread of the organization’s staff family members.
  • Evidence of similar contracts and a list of clients with whom you have current running contracts (give contact persons including telephone/e-mails).
  • Provide a list of reliable and reputable hospitals and clinics under your scheme in major towns in Uganda with their contacts and locations. The service centers should include national referral hospitals and major hospitals and clinics in the country.
  • Provide detailed guide on how you will handle pre-existing medical conditions of members.
  • Valid License from the Insurance Regulatory Authority
  • At least two company directors with their full names and date of birth (D/M/Y) for purposes of compliance checks by SNV – during contract award processes
  • Provide detailed guide/plan on how you will handle exit and replacement of members into the scheme.

    Conditions of Service

    1. The service provider must be willing to work unlimited hours and state official address.
    2. Extend medical services in all districts and major towns of Uganda.
    3. The service provider must be willing to extend medical services to our areas of office location which include.

    Country Office-Kampala, Wakiso, Mukono, Mpigi, Buikwe, Jinja and Mityana

    Western Uganda–Fort portal, Kasese, Bundibugyo, Kabarole, Kakumiro, Mubende.

    Northern Uganda – Lira the greater Lira district, Dokolo, Alebtong, Kole, Oyam.

    West Nile: Arua, Moyo, Madi – Okolo, Obong and Terego

    Southwestern – Mbarara, Lyantonde, Ibanda, Isingiro, Ntungamo, Kiruhura, Masaka

    Eastern Uganda – Busoga region

    1. The service provider must have affiliation with major referral hospitals in the country.

    Additional Information

    Information to all bidders:

    1. Currency of offer shall be Uganda Shillings.
    2. Payment shall be made to the service provider by bank transfer within 30 days from receipt of Tax Invoice and all relevant documents attached.
    3. SNV will not be responsible for any bank service charges.
    4. SNV does not pay by letter of credit or in advance of delivery.
    5. SNV reserves the right to accept the whole or part of your offer.
    6. SNV will only deal with fully registered Medical Insurance firms.

    How to apply

    Submission of bids will be made to SNV Netherlands Development Organization Office located on Plot 36, Luthuli Rise Bugolobi, P.O. Box 8339 Kampala- Uganda, and or online on the from the company website [email protected].

    Closure of bid submission of sealed bids shall be on 23rd April 2024 not later than 12.00 noon.

    SNV is not bound to accept the lowest bidder.

    Call Disclaimer

    SNV reserves the right to either accept or reject any or all bids submitted. SNV reserves the right to either increase or decrease the assignment scope depending on budget availability. SNV can stop this procurement at any time without need to give explanation or can extend the deadline for submission once it sees it fit. In case you do not hear from SNV within 3 weeks of closure of the bid receipt date, consider yourself unsuccessful. SNV also reserves the right to reject and cancel the tender in case any illegal, corrupt, coercive, or collusive practices are noticed. Late bids will be rejected. Please note that viewing, downloading or otherwise using the TOR constitutes acceptance on your part of all the above noted statements and conditions.

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