PhD Student (m/f/d)

  • Full-time
  • Tätigkeitsfeld: Wissenschaft und Forschung
  • Beschäftigungsumfang: Vollzeit

Company Description

The Dr. Margarete Fischer-Bosch Institute of Clinical Pharmacology, Stuttgart (Director Prof. Dr. M. Schwab) is operated by the Robert Bosch Foundation. Since its foundation in 1973, the institute has emerged as Germany's largest and most renowned scientific research unit in the field of clinical pharmacology. Main research activities concentrate on the influence of genetic and non-genetic factors on variability of drug efficacy and their contributions to disease development.

Currently, we are looking for a PhD Studen (m/f/d) for a graduate program focusing on “Non-canonical G protein signaling: Mechanism, Functions, Consequences”. The PhD project will address various aspects of cancer therapy and tumor cell biology including metabolism. The projects will be closely linked to clinical aspects of cancer research.

Job Description

  • Application of a broad spectrum of molecular, cell biological and analytical techniques, including metabolomic profiling using mass spectrometry
  • Functional testing of drug effects using in vitro and pre-clinically relevant in vivo models
  • Characterization of primary tumors on different molecular levels using state-of-the-art methods (genomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics)
  • Analysis of clinical and experimental datasets (e.g., immunohistochemistry, gene expression, metabolomics) using biostatistics and bioinformatics
  • Capacity and enthusiasm to undertake the training activities of a graduate program supported by programs of the Faculty of Medicine and the Graduate Academy of the University of Tuebingen to ensure greatest possible success in your career track.


  • Master degree (M.Sc.) in biology, biochemistry, pharmaceutical sciences or a related discipline
  • Experience and solid background in molecular biology and cell culture technology (3D cell culture or in vivo tumor models)
  • Experience in chemical analytics and  mass spectrometric analysis of small molecules in biological samples would be beneficial
  • Basic knowledge in biostatistics and bioinformatics
  • Interest in oncology and personalized medicine
  • Excellent English written and oral communication skills

Additional Information

We offer:

  • The opportunity to work in an interactive team providing support and mentoring
  • State-of-the-art equipment and technologies for a wide range of different applications (genomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics) and expert knowledge within the different core facilities at the institute
  • Participation in the PhD program
  • The opportunity to communicate scientific results at international conferences and to participate in workshops
  • A unique feature of the educational program is the co-supervision of each PhD student by a team of investigators, which contribute with their unique expertise to the progress of the projects
  • An initial contract for 3 years and flexible starting date (earliest starting date as of now)

Prof. Dr. Matthias Schwab

Dr. Elke Schaeffeler

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