Independent Group Leaders (m/f/d) – Translational Cancer Research

  • Full-time
  • Tätigkeitsfeld: Wissenschaft und Forschung
  • Beschäftigungsumfang: Vollzeit

Company Description

The newly established Robert Bosch Center for Tumor Diseases (RBCT) is seeking two highly motivated independent group leaders to establish their own research programs and contribute to the vibrant, highly interactive research environment at the Bosch Health Campus.

The RBCT is supported by the Robert Bosch Foundation and was established in 2022 as a new member of the Bosch Health Campus, located in Stuttgart and dedicated to translational cancer research. Together with the Robert Bosch Hospital, we are part of the Southwest unit of the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT Südwest) and the Comprehensive Cancer Center Stuttgart-Tübingen. Our research is focused on the genomic, epigenomic and transcriptional regulation of cellular identity in cancer. We aim to understand molecular underpinnings of cancer development, progression and therapeutic responsiveness in order to exploit them for the development of newer and better approaches to cancer treatment. Current research programs are focused on pancreatic, colorectal and lung cancer. Each project at the RBCT is designed with the explicit goal of improving cancer patient treatment.

As a part of the Bosch Health Campus, the RBCT maintains close ties to the Robert Bosch Hospital as well as the Irmgard-Bosch-Bildungszentrum and the Robert Bosch Center for Innovative Health. Moreover, we profit from close scientific interactions and shared infrastructure with the neighboring Institute for Clinical Pharmacology (headed by Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Schwab).


  • Ph.D. or M.D. with outstanding post-doctoral experience. International experience is preferred, but not essential.
  • Expertise and interest in two or more of the following topics: Epigenetics, Chromatin, Transcription, Inflammation, Bioinformatics, DNA repair, RNA processing.
  • Use of modern functional genomic approaches, extensive experience in high throughput sequencing approaches and bioinformatics, and experience with translational model systems (primary culture, organoid, orthotopic murine models, PDX) is a strong benefit.
  • Strong interest in the clinical translation of mechanism-based molecular biological research.
  • Excellent vision and commitment to making landmark discoveries in cancer research.
  • Open and highly collaborative personality.
  • Excellence in research and a commitment to academic mentorship and scientific integrity.

Additional Information

What we can offer:

  • Competitive salary
  • Up to three core-funded positions
  • Generous running expenses
  • Access to state of the art core infrastructure (next generation sequencing, single cell analyses, histological analysis, S2 laboratory, IT-infrastructure, bioinformatics, translational murine model facility, live cell imaging, multispectral imaging of histological samples, etc.).
  • Modern, fully equipped laboratory space.
  • Outlook for further growth through additional external funding.

Applications should be submitted electronically via our web portal and should include a cover letter, 3-5 page description of independent research plan, complete curriculum vitae (including publication list), research funding (if applicable), experience in teaching and/or mentorship, a list of at least three potential references, PDF files of key publications.

For publications from the RBCT Scientific Director, Steven A. Johnsen, Ph.D., please see:

For questions, please contact Dr. Johnsen at [email protected].

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