Work From Home To Protect Farm Animals From Abuse (Campaign Manager) 在家辦公:保護農場動物和推廣健康食品(活動負責人)

  • Full-time

Company Description

Lever is an organization in Hong Kong that works with local and international charities to protect farm animals from abuse, and improve sustainability in food system.


Job Description

Want to work from home at a job you can feel passionate about, and that makes the world a better place? Enjoy competitive salary, very flexible work hours, room for growth, respectful management, and a high-energy atmosphere. This is a great job for productive, self-directed people who are skilled at working online and who want to protect animals and improve the food system. Full time paid position available. English language ability is required, as you will need to communicate verbally and in writing with English-speaking coworkers and companies.


Why This Job Is Right For You 

Lever is an organization in Hong Kong that works with local and international charities to protect farm animals from abuse. As a Campaign Manager, you will launch and run negative publicity campaigns against food companies (such as restaurant and grocery store chains) that fail to protect the welfare of animals in their supply chain. With the support of hundreds of volunteers and your coworkers, you will use web content, printed materials, social media, online advertising, and other methods to educate the public and to persuade key companies to improve their animal welfare policies.

You’ll work from home, and you can decide which hours of the day you want to work. You’ll have wonderful colleagues in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Europe and the United States, who will work with and support you. You’ll stay in close touch with them through email, WeChat, and video conference calls.

Through this work, you will get hands-on experience in project management and running non-profit campaigns. Best of all, you’ll win policy changes that protect farm animals in Hong Kong and across Asia from abuse!






Who We’re Looking for

We are looking for someone with a strong work ethic who can do online work quickly and productively without having to be closely managed. We’re looking for someone who is highly organized, who can write well, and who would be content working on their computer all day. English language ability is also required, since you will need to communicate verbally and in writing with English-speaking coworkers and companies. You don’t need to be fluent in English, but you do need to be able to clearly convey and understand ideas and directions.

Because we run public campaigns against major food companies, we need someone who is very comfortable with confrontation—or better yet, someone who enjoys it. Would you feel comfortable calling an executive and telling them you are launching a negative publicity campaign against their company? Do you have a burning desire to win and succeed at whatever you do? If so, we’d love for you to apply.

No specific experience or degree is required—just the skills outlined above and a passion for protecting farm animals from abuse!



