
  • 全职


IKEA Industry is the world’s largest producer of wooden furniture and is an integrated part of the Inter IKEA Group. IKEA Industry has 42 production units in 10 countries with around 19,000 co-workers. Every year we produce more than 100 million pieces of furniture for IKEA customers.

IKEA Industry Dalian is belonged in IKEA Industry group and located in Dalian Development Area of China. It is the first environmental company in China. The factory site of IKEA Industry Dalian covers 37000 square meters, having 600 co-workers until now. It started to manufacture officially on 16th November, 2006, mainly in a serial of classic POANG, ROCKING chairs etc in the early period. Now, it started to have more new products like
Baby POANG, PELLO,FROSTA and Mirror etc.


1. 负责车间设备的维修和保养,保证生产正常运行。

2. 能定期对设备进行检查并能提出合理化改善建议。

3. 能参与车间的各种改进改造工程。



1. 精通电气及机械,并能熟练应用于实际。

2. 持有电工证等(焊工、压力容器、叉车证)。

3. 5年以上维修经验。

4. 精通PLC、数控、及熟悉木工设备维修方面的优先考虑。

5. 能适应倒班,有团队合作精神。

6. 服从工作安排及调动。
