Manager | Capital Markets & Investment Services - Taichung

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About Colliers International Group Inc.

Colliers International Group Inc. (NASDAQ: CIGI) (TSX: CIGI) is a top tier global real estate services and investment management company operating in 69 countries with a workforce of more than 13,000 professionals. Colliers is the fastest-growing publicly listed global real estate services and investment management company, with 2017 corporate revenues of $2.3 billion ($2.7 billion including affiliates). With an enterprising culture and significant employee ownership and control, Colliers professionals provide a full range of services to real estate occupiers, owners and investors worldwide, and through its investment management services platform, has more than $25 billion of assets under management from the world’s most respected institutional real estate investors.

Colliers professionals think differently, share great ideas and offer thoughtful and innovative advice to accelerate the success of its clients. Colliers has been ranked among the top 100 global outsourcing firms by the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals for 13 consecutive years, more than any other real estate services firm. Colliers is ranked the number one property manager in the world by Commercial Property Executive for two years in a row. 

Colliers is led by an experienced leadership team with significant equity ownership and a proven record of delivering more than 20% annualized returns for shareholders, over more than 20 years.

高力國際集團有限公司(納斯達克股票代碼:CIGI)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:CIGI)是一家全球頂級房地產服務和投資管理公司,業務遍及69個國家,擁有超過13,000名專業人員。 高力國際是成長最快的公開上市全球房地產服務和投資管理公司,2017年公司收入為23億美元(包括附屬公司在內的27億美元)。憑藉附有進取心的文化和重要的員工所有權和控制權,高力專業人士為全球房地產業主,業主和投資者提供全方位的服務,並通過其投資管理服務平台,管理著超過250億美元的資產,來自世界上最多受尊敬的機構房地產投資者。
高力國際專業人士以不同的方式思考並分享想法,提供深思熟慮和創新的建議,以加快客戶的成功。高力國際連續13年被國際外包專業人員協會評為全球100強外包公司之一,超過其他任何房地產服務公司。連續兩年被Commercial Property Executive評為全球第一大物業經理人。


1.         商用/工業不動產買賣代理服務

2.         客戶開發及經營

3.         不動產分析與資料蒐集

4.         熟悉不動產相關法規

5.         熟悉不動產市場調查及投資評估報告撰寫

6.         具有不動產投資業務及投資應用專業能力

7.         不動產諮詢服






  • 擅長溝通協調能力
  • 擅長業務開發與執行