[VM-EPS]テクニカルプロジェクトマネージャー (製品:パワーステアリング), Technical Project Manager, Electric Power Steeering
- 正規雇用
- Legal Entity: Bosch Corporation
The history of Bosch is the history of car evolution. As a top-class automotive equipment supplier, Bosch Corporation supports market expansion/inroads domestically as well as globally. Bosch will continue to pursue forward-looking technologies such as the new generation of technologies for ecology, economy and safety as well as next-generation energy technologies, to keep cars as a part of the society and of the world. With its innovative technologies, Bosch Corporation has expanded into various fields such as consumer goods and building technologies. To become a key partner for every customer. Bosch will continue to drive for greater expectations.
Technical Project Manager for the EPS system will be responsible for managing the entire project based on the project plan.
- Technical interface between the customer and our internal teams, managing the project including hardware, software, mechanical design, verification, and production.
- Connecting the customer with our global development team.
- Manage the customer’s technical requirements (software, hardware, mechanical) and Ability to ensure the successful completion of team deliverables on time.
- Driving definition of risks and risk mitigation plans, problem solving, and human/capital resource management.
- Managing schedule/open issues to closure by identifying, prioritizing, communicating and reducing risk through informed decision making processes with appropriate escalation and transparency.
- Understand the customer's expectations and lead the global team to ensure successful product delivery.
- 顧客やチームメンバーとの良好な関係を構築できるコミュニケーション能力
- 課題解決に向けた積極的なアプローチおよび責任感
- 日本語:堪能、英語:ビジネスレベル以上の英語力(TOEIC 650点以上)
- 製造業での量産または先行開発3年以上の経験
- 顧客又は関連部署との渉外経験
- 自動車業界でのメカ/ハードウェア/制御/ソフトいずれかの量産または先行3年以上開発経験
- PMP資格の保有
- Good communication and presentation skills (Team/Customer/Leadership) and social competence
- Strong initiative, ownership and related results orientation with focus on deliverables
- Japanese; N1, English: business-leve (TOEIC score of 650 or higher)
-3 year+ experience in manufacturing field
Preferred Qualifications:
- 3 year+ experience in either domain of software, control, mechanical and hardware development
- 3 year+ Project management experience
- PMP certification preferred