Abercrombie & Fitch - 门店储备经理, Raffles City

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Abercrombie & Fitch Co.(纽约证券交易所股票代号:ANF) 是一家全球领先的专业零售商,通过旗下的五个知名品牌为男性、女士和儿童提供服装和配饰。

标志性的Abercrombie & Fitch品牌诞生于1892年,旨在让每一天都像长周末的开始一样与众不同。abercrombie kids通过孩子的眼睛看世界,让生活就是玩耍,每一天都有机会成为一个不一样的、更好的自己。

Hollister品牌相信在每个人的内心都释放着一个无尽夏天,让青少年保持本色做真实的自己。Gilly Hicks提供贴身内衣、便服和睡衣,旨在邀请每个人拥抱他们内在的一切。

这些品牌都致力于提供品质持久、穿着舒适的产品,让世界各地的消费者能够展现自己的个性和风格。Abercrombie & Fitch公司在北美、欧洲、亚洲、中东等地运营着750多家品牌的专卖店,并拥有www.abercrombie.com、www.abercrombiekids.com、www.hollisterco.com、www.gillyhicks.com等电子商务网站。


The Company

Abercrombie & Fitch Co. (NYSE: ANF) is a leading, global specialty retailer of apparel and accessories for men, women and kids through five renowned brands. The iconic Abercrombie & Fitch brand was born in 1892 and aims to make every day feel as exceptional as the start of a long weekend. abercrombie kids sees the world through kids’ eyes, where play is life and every day is an opportunity to be anything and better anything. The Hollister brand believes in liberating the spirit of an endless summer inside everyone and making teens feel celebrated and comfortable in their own skin. Gilly Hicks, offering intimates, loungewear and sleepwear, is designed to invite everyone to embrace who they are underneath it all. Social Tourist, the creative vision of Hollister and social media personalities, Dixie and Charli D’Amelio, offers trend forward apparel that allows teens to experiment with their style, while exploring the duality of who they are both on social media and in real life. 

The brands share a commitment to offering products of enduring quality and exceptional comfort that allow consumers around the world to express their own individuality and style. Abercrombie & Fitch Co. operates approximately 730 stores under these brands across North America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East, as well as the e-commerce sites www.abercrombie.com, www.abercrombiekids.com, www.hollisterco.com, and www.gillyhicks.com.



门店储备经理 (MIT) 项目是一个为期90天的学习项目,其主要集中在学习如何管理公司价值数百万美元的门店业务所需的基本技能。门店储备经理会获得综合的在职培训和实践学习,以及从他们的直属上司处得到一系列的反馈与指导,内容包括门店运营操作,销售业绩管理,顾客购物体验,卖场监管以及人才管理。成功完成MIT项目是成为领导者的第一步,是为运营门店所必备的基本技能打下基础并且与团队建立良好的合作关系。该项目包括来自直属上司的常规指导和30/60/90天的进度检查。这个项目给予MIT能够自主发展的空间并能够在团队的支持下创造强大的,长期的职业生涯发展。成功完成这个项目将会帮助MIT晋升到助理经理的岗位。作为一名助理经理,你将参与整个商店的运营,如人员招聘和培训,分析和更近业务,推动业务的成功,视觉成列和商品,竞争对手和市场的分析以及人力资源管理。



The Career Progression

The Manager in Training (MIT) program is a 90-day blended-learning program focused on the essential skills needed to run a multi-million-dollar business. MIT’s are provided with a combination of support training, on-the-job learning, and coaching from their supervisor on the topics of Store Operations, Business Management, Customer Experience, Floor Supervision and Talent Management. 

Successful completion of this program is the first step for leadership and will provide the foundational skills necessary for running a store and assist in building working relationships with the team. 

The program includes regular touch points and a 30, 60, and 90 day progress check-in with the supervisor.This program empowers the MIT to develop autonomously and creates strong, long-term career guiding support from their team. Successful completion of this program will lead to the Assistant Manager role. As an assistant manager you will be involved in the whole operation of running a store, such as staffing Hiring & Training, Analyzes &Track Business, Drive Business Success, Visual Marketing & Merchandising, Competitor & market analysis and human resource management.

The company strongly advocates a philosophy of promotion from within. All of our District Managers, Regional Managers, Directors - even the Sr. Vice President of Stores- have gone through the MIT program. With the growth of the company domestically and internationally, career opportunities for an MIT have never been better.



  • Abercrombie & Fitch Co.被《财富》杂志评为2021年零售行业最佳工作场所
  • 我们为您提供各种心理健康资源: 员工帮助计划、headspace、CARORRT和助理资源小组等
  • 我们是一个全球规模的团队,会支持你去做真实的自己
  • 我们的企业文化是包容、温暖、真诚
  • 我们尊重个体差异
  • 我们会激发,鼓励并支持你尽可能做到最好
  • 我们为您提供一个永远向前的旅程
  • 我们相信多元化和包容性是公司成功的关键
  • 我们做任何事情都以客户为中心


Why Us

  • Abercrombie & Fitch Co. Named to the 2021 Best Workplaces in Retail List by Fortune Magazine and Great Place to Work®
  • We provide you access to various mental health resources: Associates Assistant Program, headspace, CARORRT and associate resource group…etc.
  • A Global Team of People Who'll Celebrate you for Being YOU
  • Our culture is inclusive, warm and authentic
  • We value individual differences 
  • We inspire, support and encourage you to be the best they can
  • We provide you an Always Forward journey
  • We believe Diversity and Inclusion are the keys to the company’s success
  • We put the customer at the center of everything we do



  • 正规大学学士学位
  • 流利的英文交流
  • 持有中国身份证或港澳台居民身份证。
  • 以顾客为工作重心
  • 良好的人际交往和沟通能力
  • 团队建设能力
  • 较强的分析和解决问题的能力
  • 较强的自驱力
  • 努力实现目标的决心
  • 包容和多元化意识
  • 对时尚和零售有兴趣
  • 能够在快节奏和富有挑战性的环境中工作


What it Takes

  • Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university
  • Fluent in English
  • PRC ID card or Hongkong, Macao and Taiwan residence card holder.
  • Customer focused
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills
  • Team building skills
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Self-starter
  • Drive to achieve results
  • Inclusion & Diversity awareness
  • Interest in fashion and retail
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced and challenging environment


作为Abercrombie & Fitch Co. (A&F Co.)的员工,您将有资格参加各种适合您和您的生活方式的福利计划。A&F致力于提供简单、有竞争力和全面的福利,符合我们公司的文化和价值观,但最重要的是—您!

As an Abercrombie & Fitch Co. (A&F Co.) associate, you’ll be eligible to participate in a variety of benefit programs designed to fit you and your lifestyle. A&F is committed to providing simple, competitive, and comprehensive benefits that align with our Company’s culture and values, but most importantly – with you!


  • 年底13薪
  • 每月销售激励奖金
  • 六项社会保险和一项住房公积金
  • 带薪休假
  • 每年的带薪志愿者日,让您回馈您的社区
  • 公司旗下所有品牌的商品折扣
  • 领导力培训与发展
  • 从内部开始的职业晋升机会

该职位起始工资为年薪人民币130,000((即,这个职位的招聘薪酬范围是年薪人民币130,000 - 130,000)。起始工资和范围将来可能会有所调整。

What You’ll Get

  • 13th month bonus
  • Monthly Sale Incentive Bonus Program
  • Six social insurance and one housing fund 
  • Generalist paid time off
  • Paid Volunteer Day per Year, allowing you to give back to your community
  • Merchandise Discount in all brands 
  • Leadership Training and Development
  • Opportunities for Career Advancement, promoting from within

The starting rate for this position is ¥130,000 annually (i.e., the recruiting pay range for this position is ¥130,000 - ¥130,000 annually). The starting rate and range may be modified in the future.
Upon completion of the training & probationary period, the starting rate increases to ¥142,000 annually.

简历投送至邮箱 china­[email protected]

APPLY AT china­[email protected]



Abercrombie & Fitch Co.是一家奉行平等机会/平权法案的雇主

See what it’s like to work at Abercrombie & Fitch and Hollister - follow us on Weibo @workat_anfhco

Any job offers for this role could be subject to and conditional upon the applicant carrying out applicable work visa formalities. You could be contacted by the company to find out which documents you will need to provide.

Abercrombie & Fitch Co. is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer
