Master’s thesis proposal: Crane girder design, investigation of web buckling and backup bracing
- Praktikant
- Avdelning: Civil and Structural Engineering
- Contract Type: Temporary
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Om rollen
- Crane runway girders are vital components in industrial structures, ensuring smooth crane operations. Failure in these components can halt production, causing significant financial losses and safety risks. Although they might seem simple at first glance—just a steel beam spanning over multiple supports—their design and performance are crucial.
- Optimizing crane girder design, particularly for heavier cranes, is essential for reducing costs and carbon emissions and ensuring durability. This includes using thinner web plates and optimizing backup bracing systems—horizontal trusses that support the top flange of long-span girders against lateral-torsional buckling and improve stiffness for horizontal loads.
- Backup bracing is normally formed as a warren truss to restrain the top (and sometimes the bottom) flanges for lateral torsional buckling, lateral deformations and also increasing the beam torsional capacity
- Comparison of current version of Eurocodes, new version of Eurocodes and American codes for crane girders with regard to web buckling
- Backup bracing stiffness calculations and sensitivity analysis, proposing a simplified approach for stiffness evaluation of bracings
- Understanding buckling behavior of the slender webs in crane girders
- Review requirements regarding crane girders for web buckling and bracing (Eurocode, AISC, AIST, etc.)
- FE modeling of the girder with the backup truss
- Buckling analysis of slender web and comparison with results from Eurocode
- [Optimization of the design using Genetic Algortihm]
What you gain
- By the end of this project, you will have gained a comprehensive understanding of various aspects of design and optimization of crane runway girders, including relevant standards, fatigue design, and structural stability. This knowledge is essential for future roles as structural engineers, particularly in the field of industrial structures, where ensuring stability and efficiency is critical. Opportunity for recruitment
- Good knowledge about steel structures and Eurocode 3
- Merit to have Experience with FE software (ex ABAQUS, Ansys, SAP2000 or other commercial software)
Ytterligare information
Welcome to submit your application, the deadline is 2024-10-31, selection of applicants takes place continuously. Please attach a cover letter and an academic transcript.
Workplace location preferably Stockholm, Västerås or Uppsala. But other cities may also be relevant.
Contact persons for questions:
Hossein Zonouzimarand,
Babak Navid,
Joaquín García Avondet,
We kindly ask not to be contacted by staffing and recruitment agencies or salespeople offering additional job advertisements.
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