Master thesis: Optimizing piled slab

  • Praktikant
  • Avdelning: Student Assignment and Thesis Work
  • Contract Type: Temporary


AFRY provides engineering, design, digital and advisory services. We are devoted experts in industry, energy and infrastructure sectors, creating impact for generations to come. AFRY has Nordic roots with a global reach. Join us in accelerating the transition towards a sustainable society.   

AFRY with the Buildings business area is, with over 1,200 employees, one of the largest players in Sweden in the real estate sector. Here you get the opportunity to be involved in influencing and creating buildings and accommodation where people can stay and enjoy themselves. For us, safety, sustainability and a prosperous society are important factors where we successfully participate and contribute with creative and innovative solutions - both now and for the future. Making Future, as we say. 

Om rollen

•This thesis is the continuation of the previous year’s master thesis, to make it more general and cover more details and finalizing the detailed design 

•Last year, the python script was created to iterate different alternatives and find optimal spacing of piles due to material cost. The main purpose of this thesis is to make the optimizing based on final costs including execution, etc. and finalize the detail design which was not tackled last year. 

•Many arrangements of piles/slab thickness and punching solutions can be done 

•It is challenging to find optimal solution regarding the final cost and suitability for contractor 

•Identify different solutions for designing piled slab and enhancing punching capacity 

•Develop calculation models for the alternatives 

•Optimize the the alternatives with respect to final cost and CO2 emission 

•Create smart tables for detailed design of different optimized alternatives 

•Review requirements regarding concrete slab, and punching design, detailing of  
reinforcements, local effects, and piles in codes (Eurocodes and FIB, Pålkommisionen, etc.  
and literature) 

•Summarize examples of piled slabs and their final cost and CO2 emission 

•Make FE models of different alternatives 

•Optimize regarding the final cost and sustainability 

Final result (and priorities) 
•A smart chart with load in one axis, and pile depth on the other axis, showing the pile spacing required for optimized design, and containing detailed design 

•Multiple charts for different soil type  

•Crack calculations (due to imposed loads, and restraint shrinkage).  

•Detailing for local effects 

What do you gain 
•Learning a commercial FE software 

•Familiarizing with different punching solution and detailing of reinforced concrete and Eurocode 

•Know more about piles and their design 

•Opportunity for recruitment 

Estimated time required and number of participants 
•1 academic semester (about 5 months) 

This thesis can be done with 1 or 2 students. 


•Good knowledge about concrete structures 

•Some knowledge about piles 

•Experience in programming is a good merit 

•Experience with FE software (ex FEM-Design or other commercial software) 

Ytterligare information

Welcome with your application no later than 2023-11-30 
Please submit personal letter and transcript of grades with the applications 

Contact and place 
Thesis will be carried out in collaboration with AFRY either in Stockholm or Västerås.  

Babak Navid, 
Daniel Lundström, 

På AFRY driver vi förändring i allt vi gör. Vi anser att förändring sker när modiga idéer möts, när vi samarbetar, skapar innovation och omfamnar kreativa lösningar, det är så vi skapar framtiden. Vi söker konstant kvalificerade kandidater som vill ansluta sig till våra inkluderande  team runt om i världen. Bli en del av oss och påskynda den gröna omställningen
