Need Business Analyst (with COTS exp)

  • Contract

Company Description

This is Priya Sharma from 360 IT Professionals Inc. and we are Staffing Specialist working directly with all US States and Local and Commercial clients. We are known for our IT Services, Mobile development, Web development and Cloud computing and working with clients to deliver high-performance results.

Job Description

The Contractor shall conduct an in depth feasibility study that identifies different types of technical solutions to meet the WIC program functional, financial and technology requirements. Research must include fully-hosted “Software as a Service” (SaaS) and state hosted solutions. Each option is to be analyzed and ranked using program requirements, and financial and technological considerations.

The Contractor shall research different technological solutions available in the market place to determine the ability of the available solutions – whether COTS, COTS modified or custom developed to meet the program business and functional requirements. Research components must include:
1. Independent research of COTS products, SaaS solutions and state hosted solutions.
2. Identify State agencies that are utilizing a self-service portal (in state and out of state)
3. Conduct a survey of no more than 10 of those identified State Agencies
4. The Contractor shall conduct a cost analysis for startup, and yearly maintenance, and hourly rates for future enhancements of the proposed solutions.
The Contractor shall provide a written assessment of primary activities 1, 2, 3, and 4 into a Feasibility Study. This study must contain a primary recommendation and any optional solutions that the analysis proved viable.

Standards and Requirements :
1. The content of electronic documents located on CDPHE and non-CDPHE websites and information contained on CDPHE and non-CDPHE websites may be updated periodically during the contract term. The contractor shall monitor documents and website content for updates and comply with all updates.
2. The Contractor shall provide teleconferencing services.
3. The Contractor shall conduct bi-weekly conference call and provide a bi-weekly written status report every two weeks for use during the update calls.
4. The Deliverable review standard is as follows :
a. First draft consists of a 10 day review period and a 5 day revision period.
b. Second draft consist of a 5 day review and a 3 day revision period.
c. Final approval of any deliverable will be sent via email by CDPHE Feasibility Study Manager.



Kick off Meeting

Project Status Meetings

Project Status reports

Deliverable templates

Deliverable Comment Document (DCD)

3 day Onsite Requirements Gathering Session

Final Feasibility Study Report

Additional Information

Kindly share your resume to or call me on 510-254-33-00 Ext. 130